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- The Symmetric Signature Dissertation
- The Syntax and Sematics of Manner Modifcation: Adjectives and Adverbs Dissertation
- The tau-microtubule interaction in living neuronal cells: implications from ensemble and single-molecule experiments Dissertation
- The Traumschreiber System: Enabling Crowd-based, Machine-learning-driven, Complex, Polysomnographic Sleep and dream Experiments Dissertation
- Theoretische Untersuchung zum Misch-Netzwerkbildner-Effekt zur Optimierung von Glaselektrolyten Dissertation
- Therapieroboter in der Betreuung demenzbetroffener Personen : eine moralphilosophische Diskussion Dissertation
- Three Essays on Financial Stability Dissertation
- Three Essays on International Corporate Income Taxation: Formula Apportionment, Bank Capital Structure and Risk-Taking Dissertation
- Three Essays on International Corporate Taxation: Formula Apportionment, Tax Coordination and Bank Risk-Taking Dissertation
- Three experimental investigations of individual decision-making behaviour Dissertation
- Tief-UV-Resonanz-Raman-Spectroscopy an aromatischen Aminosäuren Dissertation
- Time Series Analysis informed by Dynamical Systems Theory Dissertation
- Time-Dependant Data: Classification and Visualization Dissertation
- Time-resolved and temperature-dependent EPR of conformational dynamics: A spectroscopic view of IGPS, SRH/HtrII and ChR2 Dissertation
- Topics in Combinatorial Algebra- Algorithms& Computations Dissertation
- Topographically patterned surfaces as substrates for functional particle arrays Dissertation
- Towards a Broader Understanding of Sustainable Consumption: Applying Psychological Insights for Evidence-Based Interventions Dissertation
- Towards Efficient Convolutional Neural Architecture Design Dissertation
- Traceable Imaging Spectrometer Calibration and Transformation of Geometric and Spectral Pixel Properties Dissertation
- Tradition und Innovation des Fiqh im Denken von Hayreddin Karaman Dissertation
- Transnationalism and Integration of Turkish and Romanian Migrants in Western Europe Dissertation
- Transparent Object Reconstruction and Registration Confidence Measures for 3D Point Clouds Based on Data Inconsistency and Viewpoint Analysis Dissertation
- Tris NTA lipids for resolving the interplay of protein-protein interactions and lipid phase separation Dissertation
- Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence Systems Engineering: Konzeption und Implementierung vertrauenswürdiger KI-Systeme Dissertation
- Turbane und Federschmuck. Max Slevogts Buchillustrationen zu Märchen aus Tausendundeine Nacht und Abenteuerromanen Dissertation
- Two 20th century Exegetes between Traditional Scholarship and Modern Thought. Gender Concepts in the Tafsīr of Muḥammad Ḥusayn Ṭabāṭabāʾī and aṭ-Ṭāhir Ibn ʿĀshūr Sammelbandbeitrag
- Überregional organisiertes freiwilliges Engagement. Organisationssozialogische Befunde über eine Organisation des Sinnmarktes. Eine Studie über das Kolpingwerk Deutschland Dissertation
- Ultrafast Photon Management : The power of harmonic nanocrystals in nonlinear Spectroscopy and Beyond Dissertation
- Unconscious Cross-Modal Priming of Auditory Sound Locälization by Visual Words. Journalartikel
- Understanding Business Model, Business Strategy, and Their Role for Firm Performance in the Era of Digital Transformation: A Mixed Methods Approach Dissertation