Sub-project 01: Establishment of a Research Group and Cognition Lab.: JESICS
Projektstatus: abgeschlossen
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  • The goal of this project is threefold: (1) to form a leading research group specialized in cognitive science, (2) to start the research activities of the group by focusing on a seeding project that develops a cognitively inspired computational model to understand drawn sketches, and (3) to establish an equipped cognition lab in Egypt that works as a kernel center for those who are interested in conducting exploratory and interdisciplinary studies. The first target is to establish a research group that specializes on examining problem solving capabilities of cognitive beings and model such capabilities within artificial intelligent frameworks. “The Joint Exploratory Society for Interdisciplinary and Computational Studies” (JESICS) is proposed as the first kernel society of its kind allover Egypt. The group aims to study and solve fundamental cognition problems, where methodologies from both natural and human sciences are typically employed. This will be triggered through a seeding project that develops an AI competence model for the recognition, classification, memorization and retrieval of “sketches”.


  • 01.01.2015 - 31.12.2015


Finanzierung durch


  • 86.759,00 €
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