Entwicklung eines Qualitäts- und Leistungsmodells zur Erfassung nichtfunktionaler Anforderungen im Kopplungsmodell (MOEWE-QS)
Projektstatus: abgeschlossen Drittmittelprojekt
MOEWE develops solutions for model-based development in real-time environments (e.g. automotive). A tool is developed which provides a centralized coupling of different model types aiming at different aspects of a system (e.g. Matlab, UML Rhapsody, SymTA/S). The focus is on non-functional properties of embedded systems, in particular quality, timing and energy properties.
01.06.2014 - 31.05.2017
Willert Software Tools GmbH (Germany), SymtaVision GmbH / Luxoft GmbH (Germany), Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences (Germany), Osnabrueck University of Applied Sciences (Germany)
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Embedded software engineering, model-based development, model integration, non-functional properties